April Update

It's been a really busy couple of weeks for me! I've been away from writing and facebook for longer than usual. Granted, it's been super busy at the day job, but I've also been working hard behind the scenes with my photography!

But first, let me back track...

A couple of years ago, my wife was a bridesmaid in her friend Megan's wedding. They were going to a bridal expo in Philly and she mentioned that it may be a good idea to tag along to meet some wedding photographers and do some networking.

After walking around the expo for a little bit, we came across the booth of Caroline Morris; A young, up and coming wedding photographer. We struck up a conversation. I don't remember much of what she and I talked about, but I remember thinking that she seemed cool and down to earth. We exchanged information and went on our ways.

My friend Megan wound up booking Caroline for her wedding in May of 2014. We again got to meet and chat at the wedding and I got to see a bit of her in action. Megan and my wife both had glowing reviews of Caroline not just in the quality of her work but in her ability to fit right into the bridal party and make the portraits fun and easy.

This past December when I left my last job and decided to dedicate myself more fully to photography, Caroline was one of the first people I reached out to. After lots of back and forth and trying to figure out a time to get together, we met a Chipotle somewhere off I-276. We chatted for several hours about our experiences as young aspiring photographers.

Subsequently, she asked me to side shoot two weddings for her on back to back weekends this April! The experience of shooting these weddings has been absolutely invaluable to me and it's been a great reminder to me why I decided to pursue photography in the first place: I love doing it!

It's hard to articulate, but anything that I can do for 12 hours straight with little rest or food and still be happy is something I must love. Because I also love rest and food.

These last two Saturdays have also been a great reminder for me in the importance of networking and building relationships with people. I never would have had the opportunity to help shoot these weddings if Caroline and I hadn't chatted two years go in Philly.

To see Caroline's blog, click here: http://carolinemorrisblog.com/


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