Chris and Caitlyn

A few weeks ago, I met up with Chris and Caitlyn, a couple that recently hired me to photograph their wedding. I was honored that they asked me and decided to hire me for their special day this July.

After exchanging calls and emails, we set up a date to meet up and get together to do a photo shoot of the two of them. It's a good way for me to get to know my clients better and to get them comfortable with me as a photographer. I've known Chris for a little while, but I had only met Caitlyn in passing. I figured this would be a great chance for me to get to know them as a couple.

We met at Verona Park in Essex County. I had never been there, but it was where Chris proposed to Caitlyn, and it is a really beautiful spot. I got there a little early to scout the place out. I did a lap around the lake and made some mental notes about the best places to take photos.

I waited on the bridge, which if you've ever been to the park, is a good place to see everything. I didn't know which direction the lovebirds would be coming from, so I figured it'd be best if I were up high to see them coming from all locations.

They arrived shortly thereafter, Chris in a spiffy pink collared shirt and Caitlyn in a beautiful white sun dress. As soon as I greeted the two of them, I felt an instant chemistry between them. We exchanged a little small talk and then got right down to business taking photos. We started off beneath a beautiful weeping willow, and moved on to brick walls, benches, cherry blossoms, and finally the bridge where Chris proposed.

I continued to sense a tenderness and affection between the two of them.

Once we wrapped up, we took a ride into town to get some food and chat a bit more. The couple told me the story of how they met, how they went on their first date, and how they eventually moved in together. The progression of their relationship was beautiful to listen to. And I got to share some of my own experience, having just gotten married myself this past October.

Being trusted with the responsibility to photograph the wedding of anybody is a big deal. It's not something to be taken lightly. However, even marriage, especially marriage, requires a sense of humor. I can feel that Chris and Caitlyn understand the gravity of the commitment they are making to each other, yet they have a innate ability to poke fun at each other in a loving and playful way. They complement each other. And I am grateful that I get to be there to capture the day that will launch them on their journey.


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