End of 2014

This is only my 3rd blog post, but I feel compelled to write an "end-of-2014" post. It's been a pretty wild year for me in so many amazing ways. In August, my wife-to-be and I moved from Laurence Harbor to Manasquan after a lengthy and stressful apartment search. I've always wanted to live near the beach and Kim grew up near the shore, so we decided to focus our search on southern Monmouth County. We spent weeks looking dozens and dozens of apartments from Asbury Park to Belmar. Our heads were spinning. After almost deciding to give up, we went to go see a place in Manasquan. As soon as we walked in, I think we both knew this was our new home. We filed the paperwork and moved just a few weeks later. Manasquan, the shore in general, has turned out to be an amazing place to live. There is such a sense of pride and community here in Manasquan. Main street is vibrant with all kinds of, consignment shops, butchers, cobblers, and ice cream :-) It's really brought ou...