End of 2014
This is only my 3rd blog post, but I feel compelled to write an "end-of-2014" post. It's been a pretty wild year for me in so many amazing ways.
In August, my wife-to-be and I moved from Laurence Harbor to Manasquan after a lengthy and stressful apartment search. I've always wanted to live near the beach and Kim grew up near the shore, so we decided to focus our search on southern Monmouth County. We spent weeks looking dozens and dozens of apartments from Asbury Park to Belmar. Our heads were spinning. After almost deciding to give up, we went to go see a place in Manasquan. As soon as we walked in, I think we both knew this was our new home. We filed the paperwork and moved just a few weeks later.
Manasquan, the shore in general, has turned out to be an amazing place to live. There is such a sense of pride and community here in Manasquan. Main street is vibrant with all kinds of, consignment shops, butchers, cobblers, and ice cream :-) It's really brought out a youthful and creative side of me that I haven't explored in a long time. And the inlet has provided an amazing backdrop and front row seat for some amazing sunrises, such as the one I shot just last week:
On October 11th, I got married! What a blessing. It was a cloudy and cool fall day at Rutgers Gardens in New Brunswick (which incidentally is a great place to take photos). It was a pretty epic weekend. I spent about a year and a half anticipating the day and what it was going to be like and it all went by so fast. It was really amazing to have friends and family from so many different parts of my life there to share in the occasion. It reminded me how fortunate I am to have come across so many amazing people in my life so far. Not to mention that my wife is the most loving, caring, and tolerant person that I know. I am truly a lucky man.
Photos by Anam Cara Photography (http://www.anamcaraphotos.com/)
And lastly, in December, I made the decision to leave my job in order to pursue this photography thing full-time. I expected people to tell me that I was crazy and I was being stupid. In fact it was quite the opposite. People were incredibly supportive and positive. People helped to reinforce and validate my skills as a photographer. I've been blessed with the circumstances to make doing what I love a full-time gig.
Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy. I still question whether I went about this whole thing the right way or if it's all going to crash and burn horribly. But I keep getting messages and signs from people and the Universe that I am on the right track. I've been networking with photographers that have come across my path and people have been more than willing to meet up with me to share their stories and what's worked for them. I can't wait to see what's in store for 2015.
In that vain, here's a collection of my favorite photos from 2014: Top 20 of 2014
In August, my wife-to-be and I moved from Laurence Harbor to Manasquan after a lengthy and stressful apartment search. I've always wanted to live near the beach and Kim grew up near the shore, so we decided to focus our search on southern Monmouth County. We spent weeks looking dozens and dozens of apartments from Asbury Park to Belmar. Our heads were spinning. After almost deciding to give up, we went to go see a place in Manasquan. As soon as we walked in, I think we both knew this was our new home. We filed the paperwork and moved just a few weeks later.
Manasquan, the shore in general, has turned out to be an amazing place to live. There is such a sense of pride and community here in Manasquan. Main street is vibrant with all kinds of, consignment shops, butchers, cobblers, and ice cream :-) It's really brought out a youthful and creative side of me that I haven't explored in a long time. And the inlet has provided an amazing backdrop and front row seat for some amazing sunrises, such as the one I shot just last week:
On October 11th, I got married! What a blessing. It was a cloudy and cool fall day at Rutgers Gardens in New Brunswick (which incidentally is a great place to take photos). It was a pretty epic weekend. I spent about a year and a half anticipating the day and what it was going to be like and it all went by so fast. It was really amazing to have friends and family from so many different parts of my life there to share in the occasion. It reminded me how fortunate I am to have come across so many amazing people in my life so far. Not to mention that my wife is the most loving, caring, and tolerant person that I know. I am truly a lucky man.
Photos by Anam Cara Photography (http://www.anamcaraphotos.com/)
And lastly, in December, I made the decision to leave my job in order to pursue this photography thing full-time. I expected people to tell me that I was crazy and I was being stupid. In fact it was quite the opposite. People were incredibly supportive and positive. People helped to reinforce and validate my skills as a photographer. I've been blessed with the circumstances to make doing what I love a full-time gig.
Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy. I still question whether I went about this whole thing the right way or if it's all going to crash and burn horribly. But I keep getting messages and signs from people and the Universe that I am on the right track. I've been networking with photographers that have come across my path and people have been more than willing to meet up with me to share their stories and what's worked for them. I can't wait to see what's in store for 2015.
In that vain, here's a collection of my favorite photos from 2014: Top 20 of 2014

Thank you everybody for your support in 2014! I'm hopeful and excited for 2015! And I wish all of you and your families nothing but happiness, health, and prosperity for 2015 and beyond!
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