What a great Christmas! The holiday was filled with lots of family, laughs and, amazing food. The wifey and I drove up to my parents house on Christmas eve. My mom continues to carry on the Christmas eve tradition passed on by my late Grandma Marie of cooking an amazing Italian seafood dinner. On the menu: two separate pasta sauces (one with calamari and one with shrimp) as well as several other kinds of fish.

Christmas day, the wifey and I hosted both of our parents at our house! Before everybody came over, I took the opportunity to take a quick portrait in front of the Christmas tree while we had a clean apartment!

Kim (wifey) cooked some amazing lasagna, a spiral ham (procured from our local butcher right here on main street in Manasquan), sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts, and broccoli! And some bacon wrapped filet mignons brought by my father in law to boot! SO MUCH FOOD! And there may or may not have been a post-dinner pee-wee herman christmas special viewing...

Before dinner we took a quick little field trip down to the inlet. It was right around sunset and the temps were still in the upper 40s to around 50! There were some beautiful sights on the beach :-)

I hope you and your family had an amazing holiday! We certainly did! Merry Christmas to all, and to all, see you next time :-)


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