
Showing posts from December, 2014

End of 2014

This is only my 3rd blog post, but I feel compelled to write an "end-of-2014" post. It's been a pretty wild year for me in so many amazing ways. In August, my wife-to-be and I moved from Laurence Harbor to Manasquan after a lengthy and stressful apartment search. I've always wanted to live near the beach and Kim grew up near the shore, so we decided to focus our search on southern Monmouth County. We spent weeks looking dozens and dozens of apartments from Asbury Park to Belmar. Our heads were spinning. After almost deciding to give up, we went to go see a place in Manasquan. As soon as we walked in, I think we both knew this was our new home. We filed the paperwork and moved just a few weeks later. Manasquan, the shore in general, has turned out to be an amazing place to live. There is such a sense of pride and community here in Manasquan. Main street is vibrant with all kinds of, consignment shops, butchers, cobblers, and ice cream :-) It's really brought ou...
What a great Christmas! The holiday was filled with lots of family, laughs and, amazing food. The wifey and I drove up to my parents house on Christmas eve. My mom continues to carry on the Christmas eve tradition passed on by my late Grandma Marie of cooking an amazing Italian seafood dinner. On the menu: two separate pasta sauces (one with calamari and one with shrimp) as well as several other kinds of fish. Christmas day, the wifey and I hosted both of our parents at our house! Before everybody came over, I took the opportunity to take a quick portrait in front of the Christmas tree while we had a clean apartment! Kim (wifey) cooked some amazing lasagna, a spiral ham (procured from our local butcher right here on main street in Manasquan), sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts, and broccoli! And some bacon wrapped filet mignons brought by my father in law to boot! SO MUCH FOOD! And there may or may not have been a post-dinner pee-wee herman christmas special viewing... Be...
Woohoo! First blog post! A couple of really awesome things happened over the weekend... First off, I pulled the trigger on a new Canon 6D camera! Thanks to some great holiday deals and some help from the wifey, I am now the proud owner of a full frame DSLR! I must say, I will miss my Rebel. After 5 years of use, it was practically an extension of my arm. But it was truly on its last legs. It has gotten me through many firsts as a photographer. I'm glad I got to say a proper goodbye at the camera shop :-) Secondly, I had the opportunity to photograph my friend Kathleen's family at their house. It was the perfect opportunity to take the new camera out for a spin! I'm always honored when people invite me to their house to take photos. The fact that people trust me enough to enter their homes and intimate moments in their lives is really a gift. I had a blast! The Renners were great and the young ones were super cute! And I was reminded of the difficult...