Winter Storm Jonas

Every couple of years we have a storm that comes through like winter storm Jonas did over the weekend. While as a kid, I looked at these storms as an opportunity for a snow day and to go sleigh riding, I now look at them as an opportunity to take some really cool weather photos :-)

There are several resources I go to when big storms like this are on the horizon. Two of my favorites are Weather NJ and New York Metro Weather. I love both of these resources to give honest, un-hyped, and accurate information regarding weather systems that are going to impact the Northeast.

Rather than stay cooped up in my house during a storm, I love gearing up and getting out in it! While the winter is my least favorite of seasons, I would rather embrace the extremes of this season than let it keep me hunkered down!

As the snow was coming down heavily Saturday, I took a couple walks during the storm and made one trek up to the beach.

The wind was WILD. True to the forecast, the wind speed was about 40-60 out of the NNE making it virtually impossible to try and walk north up the beach. While I was tempted to walk south from Main Street down to the Manasquan Inlet (by this time it was shortly after low tide so the risk of flooding was minimal), I was not trying to walk back north with the wind blowing right into my face for half a mile.

I did not take my camera out in the weather due to the extreme conditions. Under different circumstances I may have, but the wind and precipitation were really more than I wanted to risk. I brought my iPhone and GoPro with me to snap photos and videos. Below is a snapshot of some of the images I took.

As the snow started falling Friday night.

Not a whole lot going on at the Manasquan Train station...

Some flooding affecting the homes around the glimmer glass shortly after high tide.

Looking south along the beach walk from Main Street beach.

Looking south down 1st Ave. 

The corner of Main Street and Route 71. 

Looking south down route 71. 

Yes. There's a car under there. 


Before the wifey and I shoveled out the next morning.


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